
The pandemic, minority stress theory, & racial health disparities

I am sad, angry and scared about the news that Black people have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. I am not at all surprised by it. Black people and those who are in solidarity with Black communities are not surprised by this development. I’m certain that many predicted it.

When I train about trauma and oppression, I include a discussion of minority stress theory. Minority stress theory studies how social stressors, including those associated with discrimination and “microaggressions,” become chronic stress and negatively impact the mental and physical health of marginalized people. Over time the accumulated stress of oppression, and the constant adaptation required to manage that stress, can make you physically sick and lead to many of the underlying medical conditions that increase the severity of COVID-19. (We’ll be learning about and discussing minority stress theory in my upcoming supervision and consultation group, Trauma, Oppression, and the Therapeutic Relationship.)