Heather Branham, LCSW

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What happens when we ignore oppression and focus only on trauma?

As mental health and wellness providers we want to believe that we are helping our clients. We know that there are so many factors impacting our clients’ mental health and well-being that we can’t control, and we want to believe that their time with us contributes to their well-being.

The truth is, if we’re ignoring the impact of oppression on our clients, we may be causing them harm. Staying silent about something we don’t understand or feel shame about is a common strategy. But it comes with consequences.

When someone comes to us seeking help, support and understanding, if we don’t attend to the impact of oppression in that person’s life, we send the message that it’s not important and isn’t a factor in the suffering they’re feeling. Not only do we miss the opportunity to connect by helping our client feel seen, heard and understood, we send the message that the violence of oppression is normal and they shouldn’t be traumatized by it. If we didn't think that was true, why wouldn’t we be talking about it when we talk about their trauma?

Some providers think they can avoid causing this kind of harm by only working with clients who are like them. But the truth is the living within these systems of oppression impacts all of us.

None of us gets to avoid the toll that oppression takes on our humanity, including those who benefit from it.

My work with other mental health and wellness providers is focused on those providers who realize that it's critical to understand, name and resist oppression in their work but need support getting where they want to be.

We can't ignore oppression and treat trauma effectively.

We can't stay silent about oppression and expect to do no harm.

We have to take accountability for the work that is ours to do and get to it.

We don't have to do this work alone.

Leave me a comment to let me know how I can best support you in your work.

P.S. There’s more to this post that’s best viewed on Instagram. Check out my post on this topic here.